It Is OK Not to Be OK


Since the beginning of the pandemic, one thing that is being completely overlooked is how it has lead to a dramatic increase in mental illness. It is estimated that as of 2022, 1 out of every 3 adults struggle mentally. I will tell you from personal experience, the moment people realize that you struggle mentally, they tend to quit on you. The stigma associated with mental illness has brought me to tears in public places. Have you ever been refused service and ignored in a restaurant? I most certainly have. Just one of many things that I deal with on a regular basis. Mistreatment should not be a normal occurrence in anyone's lives.



I wish there was some way to put into words how much it hurts to lose friends and support, while struggling behind closed doors. I was diagnosed with clinical depression & social anxiety disorder at 14 years old, which is often misunderstood.  Like many individuals who battle mental illness, I ended up homeless, isolated myself, & refused to seek help. To this very day I am determined to overcome the odds and prove that with heart, will, & determination, an individual can overcome anything. The struggle is very, very, real and this isn't easy. Sometimes I fall apart & you can clearly see my struggle, but I promise you that I will never quit.


Stigma associated with those who struggle mentally can be difficult and unfair.  I personally feel as if low self-esteem originates from stigma, as I am always worried about if I will be accepted or if the people around me will make fun of me. Often times, I choose not to speak when I am around a large group of people. After all, I have already been labeled as the weird, creepy guy, or the guy who is too short or awkward by most people. Stigma can feel like an overwhelming obstacle for someone who is struggling with a mental health condition.


I cannot express how helpful this is to an individual who struggles with depression and anxiety. Just one simple compliment can make my entire day. Consequently, being criticized and harshly judged can trigger panic attacks, the inability to speak or think clearly, uncontrollable sweating, trembling, and unyielding sadness. Be respectful to people who struggle, and treat them with kindness. ONE COMPLIMENT IS ALL IT TAKES TO HELP!!!


An anxiety or panic attack can happen suddenly without warning, if an individual needs a moment to recollect their thoughts or gather themselves, please allow them to do so. Trying to get an individual who is battling a panic attack to push forward can make things much worse. Give us some space and allow us to gather our thoughts. Quite honestly, sometimes the tears just have to flow. The average panic attack last about 10 minutes. Let your friend know that you care and understand, and then back away for a little bit.


People tend to think that Depression & Anxiety is something that happens and then you can just get over it. For some of us, that is not the case. There is a major difference between occasional depression and clinical depression. Occasional Depression is something that is triggered by an event, Clinical Depression is a chronic illness that isn't triggered by anything, it just happens when it happens. It is downright offensive to place both in the same category. Clinical Depression lasts forever, and the panic attacks, complete loss of thought, trembling and tears are nearly unpredictable.  It takes YEARS of treatment, counseling, and medication before one can even begin to gain control of Clinical Depression. 

  • NEVER SAY "Everyone has problems" or "Depression is not an excuse" or "Just get over it"

Generalizing an individual's struggle is the quickest way to isolate them, triggering depression or a manic episode. This is also an instant indication of a lack of respect. I will repeatedly say that the best way to be helpful to an individual who struggles mentally is to be kind and respectful instead of critical and judgmental.



 Everyone who struggles with depression and anxiety knows about the lifelong struggle to find an escape. Unfortunately many individuals do not find it or turn to drugs and alcohol. I personally have experienced a significant improvement in the quality of life through regular supplementation and remaining physically active in some way. According to research, physical activity can actually significantly improve mental health. I also regularly supplement with amino acids and herbal tonics. As an individual who has battled Clinical Depression and Social Anxiety for over 20 years, I know how real the struggle can be. Although there is no way to make the pain completely go away, there are few things that may help. Here are a few things that you can try and that I take regularly.


Backed by scientific research, Ashwaganda has been shown to significantly improve hormonal balance, cognitive function, mood stability, and stress maintenance.



  • 5-HTP

5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) is an amino acid that your body uses to produce Serotonin. Low serotonin levels are associated with depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, weight gain and other health problems. After adding 5-HTP to my daily routine, I have dramatically improved my weight, mood, and ability to sleep.

  • SAM-e
SAM-e is a compound that is already produced naturally in the body. Studies suggest that SAM-e may be just as effective as the standard antidepressants sold on the market, eventhough it may take longer to feel its effects. In Europe SAM-e has been regularly prescribed to treat depression, pain, and arthritis for decades. Research also suggest it may be just as effective as over the counter pain relievers, providing additional benefits to those who regularly supplement with it. The only reason this supplement has not received more is expensive.



I am not a physician, and you should speak to someone licensed to provide medical care if you find yourself unable to function regularly. The combination of these supplements is indeed part of my real life daily routine. While definitely not a cure, I have most certainly been able to handle stress and intense moments better, and I have been able to navigate through the periods of sadness and doubt a little bit better. Never forget the benefit of physical activity in regards to your mental health, even if it is just a short walk around your house or neighborhood.

  The reason I started the Rise Above Your Labels Project was to show the world that everyone has potential and a voice. I have spent years being viewed as incapable, whether it be due to my depression or small stature. Sometimes I don't think people understand just how difficult life can be when no one gives you a chance. An individual's will to win or succeed cannot be determined by their physical appearance. Sometimes, you simply have to give people a chance.


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